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  • Yoga Nidra Bliss Of Being

    Yoga Nidra Bliss Of Being

    I composed and shared this practice on Sunday with the Community Meditation group and it was so well received I was inspired to make my first YouTube video to share it.

    Here is the link for you to experience it for yourself.

    Yoga Nidra is a meditation practice that is also called, "Yogic Sleep." During the practice, we put the body to complete rest while staying awake and alert. Find a comfortable position lying down. Be as comfortable as possible. I recommend a supported Savasana or "Corpse Pose" with arms and legs out and open. You can place a pillow under the knees and head if that feels good to you. When you are ready, press play and just listen and follow the sound of my voice. I composed this particular practice to give the experience of your states of being and then to take you into the bliss state. Deep relaxation allows the brain to access Theta Waves, which allow inspiration, creativity, visualizations, and spiritual experiences. All Is One, and in that, we can rest. Enjoy and be well. Love, Rachel

  • GeniusLab Podcast Toby Christensen Interviews Rachel Ogden Ramos

    GeniusLab Podcast Toby Christensen Interviews Rachel Ogden Ramos

    “Greatness has to do with our level of consciousness, not as much as with the size of our acheivements.”